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Flexible Work Arrangements in Singapore: New Guidelines for 2025

Flexible work arrangements” is a phrase that is becoming a regular conversation component in Singapore, given the new mandate wherein companies will be required to consider flexible work arrangements for their employees. 

The new guidelines will have a defining impact on Singapore’s workforce – which is why it is important to understand them. Here’s a brief overview of flexible work arrangements in Singapore, the kinds of arrangements, their benefits and potential future.

What Are Flexible Work Arrangements?

Let us first deconstruct the phrase, “flexible work arrangements”. Simply put, this phrase encapsulates flexible and open company policies that allow employees to align their work schedules with factors such as location, lifestyle and more. 

For example, under this policy, some companies may allow employees to determine their start and end work times or opt between permanent and contract employment. Some companies may also provide logistical assistance to their employees with options such as child and elderly care. Each company implementing this arrangement will have a different approach and benefits.

What Are the Types of Flexible Work Arrangements in Singapore?

Flexible work arrangements in Singapore can be divided into several categories, including: 

  • Flexi-place arrangements 

This approach provides employees with the option to work from locations outside the office. Employees can work from home, telecommute, or opt for other options that don’t require them to attend the office every day.  

  • Flexi-time arrangements 

This arrangement will allow employees the opportunity to work at different times of the day, without altering their total work hours or workload. This can comprise staggered hours, flexible shifts and a compressed work schedule. 

  • Flexi-load arrangements 

Here, employees can choose different workloads depending on the corresponding pay. This also includes provisions such as job-sharing and part-time employment. 

Flexible Work Arrangements Benefits

Having understood the definition of flexible work arrangements, let us proceed to understand the several benefits one can avail of:

  • One of the biggest flexible work arrangements benefits applies to parents, especially those with young children. Such arrangements help them strike a balance between work and maintaining a consistent presence in their child’s life. 
  • Employees who have elderly family members to take care of also greatly benefit from this arrangement. They can continue working productively but also ensure that the elderly are cared for in the comfort of their homes. 
  • Employees who wish to pursue further education also stand to benefit from this arrangement – as they can balance both work and academics. 
  • Flexible work arrangements benefit those who have chronic health conditions and have to actively manage their health. This way, they can make a living without compromising their health. 

Adopting Flexible Work Arrangements in Your Organization

The definition of flexible work arrangements may seem simple on paper, but how would one implement it in their workplace? 

Here are some steps that can generally be followed: 

  • Your company HR will inform employees of the kind of flexible work arrangement policies that have been implemented in the office – coupled with the provisions and bylines that one should be aware of. 
  • Once you are aware of the kind of policy and whether it would benefit both you and the company, you can submit a written letter on why you wish to adopt a particular arrangement. Address factors such as:
    • The rationale, why exactly do you wish to change your work structure 
    • Provide evidence (if applicable) on the situations that require you to adopt flexible work arrangements
    • Explanations on how you plan to balance work and your other commitments 
    • The frequency of the arrangement 
    • The proposed start and end date of the arrangement 

What’s Next for Flexible Work Arrangements in Singapore?

Flexible work arrangements in Singapore have already taken effect since December 1, 2024. Now, all Singapore-based employers have to establish a formal process for employees to request flexible work arrangements. 

In the future, these arrangements and guidelines will establish norms for employees when they require some degree of flexibility in their work.  


If you are struggling to implement flexible work arrangements at your workplace, look no further than BGC Group

Trusted by over 3,000 organizations for hiring, payroll, compliance, remote workforce and dispute settlement services, BGC strives to ensure that all your workplace needs are met – including implementing a sophisticated flexible work arrangements system

Our workforce services will not only help you implement the system effectively but also enhance your company’s productivity. 

Get in touch with us today!